Monday, May 27, 2013

The Challah Lady from Album Yanky and Shabbos by Yitzy Erps

The Challah Lady

There's a wealthy lady
Who lives in my neighborhood
She has a cook to stock every shelf
But Wednesday night she yells “Hooray”
And shoos the cooks away
Because she wants to bake the challah herself.

You can tell that baking challah is her pride and joy
It’s a mitzvah she won’t ever shirk
Smells so good that I suppose
That if you follow your nose
You will find the challah lady at work.

And she kneads, kneads, kneads her challah dough
The only thing she needs is challah dough

Now this challah lady had a dinner to attend
With the wealthiest people in town
“Well if you want to attend,”
Said her fine and fancy friend
“Then you need, you need, you need a new gown.”

But the store would only sell the gowns on Wednesday night
The challah lady said, “I cannot go
I’ll put some new lace on my wrist
To give the old gown a new twist
Like the twist I give to my challah dough.”

Now the challah lady went to visit Dr. Smith,
And he told her she had to lose weight.
He said, “Here’s a nice surprise
There’s a class in exercise
For the ladies every Wednesday at eight.”

Now the challah lady said, “I just cannot come
But you say I am heavy so
I’ll just have to put more might
Into kneading Wednesday night
So that I’ll be as light as my dough.”

It was summer, and the air conditioner broke down
It was a hundred degrees in daylight
Said repair man Yerachmiel
“I’ve began a great new deal
I’ll be selling my tools Wednesday night.”

“It’s the only night I’ll fix the air conditioning
Or you’ll wait till I buy new supplies.”
The Challah Lady then did speak
And she said, “I’ll wait a week
While the heat will help my challah dough rise.”

Now the challah lady had a wig of lovely hair
And she wanted it handsomely brushed
But the stylist said she might 
Only do it Wednesday night
But at any other time she’d be rushed.

Now the challah lady said, “I just cannot go
But my sheitel needs setting I know
So I’ll just dye my wig a shade
And I’ll give it a new braid
Like the braid I give to my challah dough.”

Now the challah lady told me why her baking is 
More important than all of these things
It’s because ladies have alone
This mitzvah as their own
And so when she bakes the challah she sings…

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